Monday, September 6, 2010

Some Common Mistakes to Avoid In Ecommerce Web Design

If you are thinking of having a huge business that gets you loads of revenue then you should look forward to have a  an online business. Selling online can get you access to the buyers all over the world resulting in inconceivably high profits. A shop that is open 24 hours a day seven days a week and is used by people all over the world can get you higher profits as compared to a traditional retail store. The medium of internet utilizes the source we call web site too bridge up the gap between the buyers and sellers.

A website that is not designed wisely can lead to bad reputation. This would make the users uncomfortable while shopping on a website. Similarly Ranking on a search engine would be dropped and eventually you would be forgotten. On one had if an ecommerce web design can make you profits on the other a bad design can result in damaging the name of a business. Following are the common mistakes made in ecommerce web designing:
1.      Lack of planning of a website would result in targeting the wrong group of people. This would end up in having not interested customers to a website.
2.      Lack of product description is the worst damage you can make. By doing this You are unintentionally telling customers that your site is not the right place for the customers to be in. so! They move on to a better place.
3.      Making the customers go through a detailed process for signing in and out would make 50% of your traffic leave the website. So! Make it easy for the customers.
4.      Complicated procedure and steps used for closing a sale gives the buyer a chance to rethink of buying the product or leaving it. You can lose 40% of your customers just because of wastage of customers’ time.
5.      Payment methods if not secure or available in country you are trying to sell it can result in losing an interested customer.
6.      Poor customer support means that you don’t really care about your customers. So! Hold them before they run away.
7.      Complicated navigation system can result in confusing the customer. Make them reach the product otherwise they would reach out for others help.

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