Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fresh Seo tips 3

When we talk about search engine marketing each and every element of the website is important. Thinking that just by adding good content would do the entire job is not true. The crawlers of search engines are quite intelligent. Here are few Fresh SEO TIPS 2 to guide you how to make your site rank better on a search engine:
1.      Anchor text of links:
Place your keyword phase in the link text.
2.      Links on other pages:
For inbound links ask other sites to place your links on their pages. But make sure you don’t overdo the job. If it is over done the search engine would consider it a spam resulting in a lowering down the rank of the site.
3.      Incoming links:
Place the keyword phrase in the links that are coming in. these make the link prominent.
4.      Where to place the link?
The answer is simple; it should be place where you can get loads of financial and reputation benefits. If not done so, it can result in a lowering down the ranking of a page.
5.      How similar sites can help you?
Similar sites can help you in traffic flow as well. People are already directed to the site from the search engines for a particular keyword and this shows that you have relevant material on your site.

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